I Got A Haircut Today At The Ouidad Flagship Salon!!

Yes, the all caps championship was real much necessary. Today I was fortunate plenty to become to the Ouidad Flagship Salon on 57th St (NYC) in addition to convey the amazing talented Jason fix my hair. I received a signature "Carve & Slice cut", Deep Treatment in addition to style. I too left amongst an awesome gift handbag of goodies! I tin give the axe never give cheers the Ouidad staff plenty for how awesome today was.

read to a greater extent than subsequently the break!

Fix? What was wrong? Well I was experiencing SEVERE breakage. It started inwards Dec 2014 in addition to exclusively got worse in addition to worse despite my best efforts to fix it. This was terminal week:
The long scraggly ends only looked pathetic. Despite barely using heat, deep treating similar crazy, existence super obsessive nigh my pilus always, bleach impairment won out in addition to ruined my hair. Jason told me today in 1 trial your pilus gets damaed past times chemicals similar bleach, it is past times the betoken of supply for repair in addition to so the options are to cutting it out or grow it out. I figured shorter pilus that is salubrious volition facial expression ameliorate than longer scraggly patheticness similar yous meet upward above.

I wrote nigh my whole amazing Ouidad Salon Experience on NaturallyCurly.com in addition to yous tin give the axe check that out here. I went into all types of details in addition to everything. But inwards illustration yous didn't meet on my instagram (ps give cheers yous everyone who left me dainty comments), hither are some pics. Jason was too super sweetness in addition to styled it all fun in addition to stuff!

All The Products Used on Me:
(pre cut)
  • Ultra-Nourishing Cleansing Oil
  • Curl Quencher Conditioner
(post cut)
  • Deep Treatment Curl Restoration Therapy
  • Vitalcurl Balancing Rinse Conditioner
  • Moisture Lock Leave In Conditioner
  • Vitalcurl Tress FX Gel
  • Finishing Mist Setting & Holding Spray
  • Shine Glaze Serum
  • Texture Smoothing Frizz & Flyaway Fighter

Now that I don't experience completely terrible nigh my hair, I volition resume posting a lot to a greater extent than pictures in addition to styles in addition to such. I only felt in addition to so depressed nigh the breakage in addition to my pilus getting ruined, it was hard. I too convey to figure out how to run shorter hair. I can't pineapple at nighttime in addition to so that's been a disaster so far.

I haven't had pilus this curt inwards over 12 years. It's weird. I don't similar curt pilus on me in addition to I was honestly dreading it but it turned out 100x ameliorate than I expected it to. But I nevertheless can't hold back for it to grow!
My cervix is constantly nonstop cold. I am debating re growing out my natural colouring (that's a whole novel spider web log post) but straight off that I am swearing off bleach I know I volition move able to re grow my pilus longer, stronger in addition to healthier.

By the way, if yous are unfamiliar amongst Ouidad, become play roughly on their site! They are the exclusively fellowship that caters to four dissimilar types of curls in addition to they convey tons of videos in addition to data on their site here.

More details all nigh my experience tin give the axe be works life here. I'm in addition to so tired straight off I necessitate to put down.

Thanks for reading!

<3 Diane

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