Hair Of The Day: Depression Braid Without The Ponytail

So here's the thing- I've been inward a permanent country of exhaustion lately. Having long 12 sixty minutes days is doing nil expert for me, my wellness (I won't fifty-fifty conk there) or my looks. I wake upward exhausted inward the forenoon together with desire to instruct ready equally quick equally humanly possible piece withal looking similar a decent human being. I would live lying if I said I didn't dream of having super tardily to manage, immediately hair.
Anyway, my pilus is inward fact a animate existence that needs to live tamed inward the morning. It has conk a habit to create depression ponytails with braids or buns or high buns or anything to incorporate my pilus when it won't rest downwards together with nice. However, all of these ponytails are starting to upshot inward a super ugly "ponytail dent" with my waves thence I stimulate got to create something to ready it earlier that dent gets worse- ease upward on the ponytail styles. 

I went with a side purpose today. Most days I'll only force it dorsum together with usage a headband but I'm concerned with headband dent similar ponytail debt now. The joys of depression elasticity hair! 

I am non a expert braider, I've mentioned this before. But afterwards practicing together with practicing I am finally getting a decent depression braid without needing to necktie a ponytail   At the nape of my neck. This doesn't audio similar much for most, but it's a big bargain together with accomplishment for me! Also, it's close impossible for me to accept a expert painting present at 7am, peculiarly of the dorsum of my caput (everyone else is withal sleeping)  sorry that these aren't the greatest. 

I sprayed the carols miss mirabelle plum exit inward throughout my pilus (review on this describe of piece of occupation soon- it's amazing!) together with and thence approximately living proof restore repair lotion on top. I used the DevaCurl develop together with to a higher house pomade to conk along the pesky edges along my hairline inward control.

Please ignore my roots, I'm heading to the salon Sabbatum for a impact up! And now, a nap on the bus. 

<3 diane

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